Boris Injac - artist


Boris Injac

Boris Injac is a London based Serbian contemporary artist. Injac graduated from Central Saint Martins School of Art (Fine Art-painting). His interests are diverse, and his work is rooted in the topic of displacement with the elements of tragic-comic responses, focusing on questions of the contemporary alienation of human from the humane and man from humanity. As an artist, he is constantly re-examining himself and the space around him; the search and interpretation of various insights in the space and life he inhabits are the main drivers of his work. He works in wide range of media and across several disciplines.




  • Mission 2020

    2020 is a year where we had the COVID-19 global pandemic and March was when it all started in Europe. CoVENI CoVIDI CoVICI, Studio Vacuumisation, Vision20/20 and BREATHLESS .. Home theatre in the time of Corona. are series of works I have started or created during this time. Below is a small excerpt from the poem that sums up year 2020. You can find the full version under the news section of the website

    …I cannot wait for a new day,
    I sleep like it’s going out of fashion,
    I sleep like we’re going to run out of dreams.

    I cannot wait for a new day,
    I open my eyes early but I get up so late,
    The antichrist fails his toilet paper heist and fades…


Upcoming, Current & Previous | Shows

COMING SOON – CoVeni CoVidi CoVici
In Art we isolate!
Date & Location to be announced

March –  November 2020 – VISION 20/20
Art from my studio isolation!
ReArtCore Studio London | website &  FB page and INSTA
Global standby

7  –  21 Sept 2019 Prepare, Window, now! – Solo
Frida Kahlo Caffe Gallery
Novi Sad, Serbia

22 July –  2 August 2019 Prepare, Window, now! – Solo
SULUV Gallery
Novi Sad, Serbia

21 –  26 March 2019 Prepare, Window, now! – Solo
Camden, London, UK




Boris works in wide range of media and across several disciplines, but now more than ever he is reanimated by classical disciplines of art: drawing, painting and sculpture.

Buy art

Prints and artwork can be ordered online, please visit the shop. If you have an enquiry please contact me

Social: Facebook | Instagram


Art cannot wear a veil of apparent disinterest.


Prepare, Window, Now! is a series of works made at the beginning of 2018. The series is created by a reactive outburst of quick drawings that observe, relive, and intuitively sketch the spiritual and physical states present in the distancing, separating and parting of people. This topic may be naively honest but it is irreversibly timeless and has brought about the impulse of inspiration for these creations.

This series of printed artwork is digital but hand drawn using modern tools like iPad and stylus and then made into a digital print on quality art paper ( 350g). Art prints and other artwork can be bought on my website.  SHOP

Everything is drawing, painting and all art begin with a single mark. I would like to and I do believe that the initial spark and expression of that energy comes from the Divine and later gets shaped by the artist through their work and creation. The creative process is a transcription of spiritual cosmic blasts that are roaming in space and searching for a connection to synchronicity and materialization. Discovered bursts are being intuitively received, harvested and transposed into a piece by comprehension of perceived reason and captured meaning.

One of the mysterious charms of the photography is in its ability to momentarily capture the duality of the perception, what we see and what we feel and perhaps tries to churn and understand of what we also desire. The ongoing connection continually develops with the observation and sensation, of course, this could apply to all of the other creative processes. Someone said making not taking a photo is what it is all about. Some of the best “clicks” were capturing the surprising and quite unpredictive moment in time.